Core Java:
- What are the SOLID design patterns
- Singleton Design Patterns — it should not breakable by any ways. How to unit test it?
- Why we use volatile while using Singleton design patterns.
- What are the types of lock?
- Assume Employee as a key storing into HashMap, I am inserting 5 elements into HashMap say e1 to e5. I’ve implemented Equals and HashCode, hashcode always returns 1. What will be the size of HashMap? Any performance issues?
- Array of 10 elements, using Java 8 — multiply each element by 5.
- How to calculate the occurrence of “I” in India is my Country.
- What is Aggregation and Composition.
- Java program to say “123” is consecutive
- Performance Tuning.
- How to handle security in your project.
- Data Structure maintain uniqueness and insertion order.
- What is Immutable in Java and its advantages. Scenario where you want to use Immutable class.
- What is Executor Service. Thread Pool Executor.
- What is the parent of Exception? Where Error stands?
- What is concurrentHashMap? How its working internally?
- Difference between Java Singleton vs Spring Singleton?
- What is the basic difference between Abstraction and Inheritance?
- What is the basic difference Abstract class and Interfaces?
- What is the difference between Public, Private, protected and default?
Spring Core:
- What is Dependency Injection (DI)?
- Types of Autowiring? Which one is by default.
- Types or implementations of ApplicationContext?
- What is the use of @Primary annotation?
- What are stereotype annotations?
- Explain Bean lifecycle
- What is the difference between Bean Factory and Application Context?
- What to avoid Circular dependency issue?
- Injecting prototype bean into Singleton bean?
- What is the difference between DI and IOC?
Spring Boot
- How to disable @AutoConfigurations?
- What is Actuator in Spring Boot ?
- How can we override tomcat?
- How to exclude the package?
Spring REST:
- Why to use Rest Over SOAP?
- What is difference between HTTP PUT vs POST?
- What are different HTTP status code?
- What is the difference between JaxRs and JaxWs?
- What is Consumer Driven Contract (CDC)?
- Reactive Instance?
- How can we do monitoring in Microservices?
- What is APIGW?
- What is Saga? What are the types of Saga? How to implement the distributed transaction?